
"A New Hope's services exceeded any expectations and were given at a time when I was in great need with my father requiring constant care and my mother having just fractured her femur ... All the care coordinators were very kind and effective. The CNA's that took care of Dad were excellent and kind."

"Please accept this email as my formal notice of resignation from my position as a nurse with A New Hope Home Care. I have accepted a full time position in Florida, as a registered nurse in their emergency department. I would sincerely like to thank you for the opportunity to work with such an amazing service. The dedication you show to your clients, ad their families is remarkable. The caring, and support for your employees is undeniable. I will forever be thankful for the time I was allowed to spend with you, and the service. I wish you all luck going forward, I have no doubt you will continue to have a positive impact on families across the western end of the state."

- from an RN

"My CNA is a such blessing and has made such a difference in my life. She is such a hard worker and I want you to know how happy I am to have her!"

- from a client

"A New Hope's services exceeded any expectations and were given at a time when I was in great need with my father requiring constant care and my mother (his caregiver) having fractured her femur. I could not be in 2 places at once and it was a holiday weekend. All the care coordinators were very kind and effective. The CNA's that took care of Dad were excellent and also kind. Thank you for your work"

- from a client

"I am writing this letter to your attention about one of your nurses that does my home health care and I don't know where I would be without her. Leslie has been my care taker since november of last year and through this time she has been very understanding of my needs even before I need them she takes care of items checked on your company's sheet eveytime she is here which is three times a week assuring that every item checked has been addressed. When I was able to walk longer distances she would put on her coat and gloves and walked next to me each and every time. Leslie is the most caring and thoughtful person and is a great asset to your company. She not only has a large family she has to take care of but she also takes care of her second family like they were her own and I am sure every patient she has would attest to this. We have a schedule that we are to follow but with the numerous visits I have to take to the VA for all of my medical problems and some times her other patients have to change there schedule she remains flexible and we work our times out together so you are assured we do the three visits each week maybe not on schedule but we do manage to accomplish them. One of the best things she does for me is on our occasional trips to the grocery store where she not only helps me fill my basket with groceries she makes sure the groceries we are getting are healthy and what I should be eating so she has taught me allot about food and nutrition. If there is anyone in this world that needs to be cloned it is Leslie, can you imagine a full crew of nurses like her you wouldn't have nothing to do. So in closing again I would like to thank you for pairing us up and I hope something special can be done by your organization to recognize your outstanding nurses in your company she really deserves lots of praise."

- from a client

"We love Paula, she is a God send. Paula takes such good care of my husband Larry. She is so sweet and attentive to his every need, and I know that when she is here, Larry is in good hands. I look so forward to her coming each week, and know that she really cares about us. I have been Larry's only caregiver for the past two years, and it is such a relief to know that I can rely on Paula to take care of my husband when I am not here. Paula is like a part of our family, and we appreciate her and A New Hope more than you know."

- from a client

"This company provides help for special-needs people to make life a little bit easier. I am proud to say I am a client of A New Hope, and they have been a GOD send. The help I receive makes my life easier, and they are FUN to work with."

- from a client

"You and this company have been perfect. From the easy scheduling, to you all always being accessible and ready to help me and support me; plus the sweet, sweet families I’ve been able to meet - it’s been an absolute joy every day! That’s what makes it so hard to leave! But being that I am such a new nurse, I feel pulled toward really challenging and stretching myself. That is why I have decided to move on to the next phase of nursing career."

- from an RN

"It's a shame that we don't have a clinic, as A New Hope Home Care has been so good to me during my employment. I hate to leave you all when the time comes! Your time and attention is greatly appreciated, along with all the help you have given me over the past four years!"

- from an RN that recently obtained her FNP degree

"I am writing this letter to your attention about one of your nurses that does my home health care and I don't know where I would be without her. Leslie has been my care taker since november of last year and through this time she has been very understanding of my needs even before I need them she takes care of items checked on your company's sheet eveytime she is here which is three times a week assuring that every item checked has been addressed. When I was able to walk longer distances she would put on her coat and gloves and walked next to me each and every time. Leslie is the most caring and thoughtful person and is a great asset to your company. She not only has a large family she has to take care of but she also takes care of her second family like they were her own and I am sure every patient she has would attest to this. We have a schedule that we are to follow but with the numerous visits I have to take to the VA for all of my medical problems and some times her other patients have to change there schedule she remains flexible and we work our times out together so you are assured we do the three visits each week maybe not on schedule but we do manage to accomplish them. One of the best things she does for me is on our occasional trips to the grocery store where she not only helps me fill my basket with groceries she makes sure the groceries we are getting are healthy and what I should be eating so she has taught me allot about food and nutrition. If there is anyone in this world that needs to be cloned it is Leslie, can you imagine a full crew of nurses like her you wouldn't have nothing to do. So in closing again I would like to thank you for pairing us up and I hope something special can be done by your organization to recognize your outstanding nurses in your company she really deserves lots of praise." - from a client